Saturday, April 30, 2011

Congratulations Amanda and Hal!

On Saturday, we drove to Clemson for Amanda (Temple's sister) and Hal's wedding.  They got married at Clemson United Methodist and the reception was at the Clemson Hotel and Madren Center.  Both boys sat through the entire wedding, with no problem.  At the reception, Coleman danced the night away, and had fun playing with Reese.  Thanks for including us Amanda and Hal!

Our Family (after the wedding)

Reese and Coleman eating

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter!  We started the morning by looking to see what the Easter Bunny brought to the boys.  We then went to church, and experienced an amazing service.  Hampton sat through the whole service!  After church, we ate lunch at the Capital City Club.  At the Capital City Club we saw the Easter Bunny, ate a buffet lunch and went on an Easter egg hunt.  We finished the day at David's parent's house with dinner and an egg hunt.
The Easter Baskets

Coleman is checking out what the Easter Bunny brought to Hampton and him

Hampton is checking out his candy

The Easter Bunny posing with Hampton and Mommy

Coleman, Daddy, Mommy and Hampton

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

While Hampton and David took a nap, Coleman and I dyed eggs.  We had six different colors and they were purple, pink, yellow, orange, green and red.  Coleman had a blast putting the eggs into each bowl.  You could really tell by his colored hands!  After the eggs dried, Coleman decorated some of the eggs by putting stickers on them.

Coleman is placing the eggs into the bowl
Our finished product

The Easter Egg Hunt

Our church had the annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday.  This was very neat because children younger than 24 months hunted inside, children 2 - Kindergarten hunted in the playground area and the older children hunted to the side of the church.  Coleman helped Hampton hunt for Easter eggs, and then Coleman went for his hunt.  He was in search for the golden egg.  We did not find the golden egg, but we had a lot of fun in the process!

Hampton and Coleman posing before looking for Hampton's eggs

Coleman on the hunt for eggs

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Charles!

We celebrated Charles' 4th birthday with him at The Little Gym last Sunday.  It is hard to believe that there were so many little boys there!  Thanks for inviting us!

Happy Birthday Andrew!

We attended Andrew's birthday party last weekend.  Andrew is in Coleman's class at school.  Margaret, Andrew's mom did a great job with making a cute cake in the shape of a robot.  Thanks for including us!

 Andrew working on his robot gear
Coleman and Conner dressed up as a robot

Monday, April 18, 2011

Preschool Sunday

My parents, David's mom, Hampton, Coleman and I attended Preschool Sunday at Coleman's school last Sunday.  Coleman did an awesome job singing every song that he had learned.  His favorite was "Deep and Wide."
Hampton was getting his hands ready to clap
Coleman and Skylar after the program

Hampton is Two Months Old!

It is so hard to believe that Hampton turned 2 months old on April 4.  He smiles and coos a lot, and he does a really good job holding his head up.  It is hard to believe that he is growing up so quickly!

Hampton (4/4/2011)