Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Adelaide!

Coleman and I attended Adelaide's 2nd birthday party today. The theme was clowns, and Coleman had a great time watching the clown do magic tricks and make neat balloon animals. We had a great time. Thanks for inviting us Adelaide. Happy Birthday!

Adelaide with her mom (Phaedra) blowing out her birthday candle

Sunshine the Clown performing her magic

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Coleman has been rolling up on his side for well over a month. I keep waiting for him to just roll over. We practiced today, and he did not roll from back to tummy, but he did roll from tummy to back. He even grins when we clap for him. I think he loves the audience!

Here I go!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

We went to the early service at church, so that we could go eat brunch with David's family and the Davis family at the Capital City Club.

David, Coleman, Easter Bunny, and Me

David's Mom (Sara), David, Me, Coleman and David's Dad (Stan)

We then drove to the upstate to see my family. My family had a blast hanging out with Coleman...they wish they could see him more often!

Coleman and his Great Grandmother ("Mimi")

We ended the day by looking to see what the Easter Bunny brought Coleman. He got a lot of great toys!

David and Coleman checking out the O-Ball

The Easter Egg Hunt

While getting ready for the Easter egg hunt, Coleman found his feet. This was a huge milestone for mommy! We then went to the church's annual Easter egg hunt. Coleman was a little to young to hunt Easter eggs, but we went so that he could get a taste of all of the children running through the playgrounds.

After the Easter egg hunt, I took Coleman for pictures with live Easter bunnies. He actually kissed one of them, and he did not even know it!

The highlight of the day was taking a picture of Coleman in his Easter basket!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

We spent half of the day keeping Conner. Conner and Coleman had a blast playing together. The other half of the day was spent running errands, and going to our Sunday School dinner at the Timmons' house.

Conner and Coleman playing together.

Mark's Birthday

David, Coleman and I went over to Mark's and Michelle's for lasagna in order to celebrate Mark's bithday. We ate way too much!

Happy Birthday Mark!